View full screen - View 1 of Lot 809. A large grey pottery bowl with engraved designs, Probably Zhaobaogou culture, 5th - 4th millennium B.C. 或為趙寶溝文化 刻紋灰陶盌.

Property from the Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection | Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏

A large grey pottery bowl with engraved designs, Probably Zhaobaogou culture, 5th - 4th millennium B.C. 或為趙寶溝文化 刻紋灰陶盌

Auction Closed

November 25, 03:34 AM GMT


80,000 - 120,000 HKD

Lot Details


Property from the Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection

A large grey pottery bowl with engraved designs,

Probably Zhaobaogou culture, 5th - 4th millennium B.C.

Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏

或為趙寶溝文化 刻紋灰陶盌

d. 22 cm

C-Link Research & Development Ltd, thermoluminescence test no. 7294BJ16 shows the date range to be c. 3500-2500 B.C.


Ronald W. Longsdorf, The Pottery Age: An Appreciation of Neolithic Ceramics from China, Circa 7000 BC - Circa 1000 BC, Hong Kong, 2020, pl. 15.

Ronald W. Longsdorf, 《陶誌:中國新石器時代陶器 約西元前7000年 – 前1000年》,香港,2020年,圖版15