View full screen - View 1 of Lot 802. A small painted pottery double neck jar Majiayao culture, Banshan phase, c. 2600-2300 B.C. 馬家窰文化 半山類型 彩陶雙頸壺.

Property from the Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection | Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏

A small painted pottery double neck jar Majiayao culture, Banshan phase, c. 2600-2300 B.C. 馬家窰文化 半山類型 彩陶雙頸壺

Auction Closed

November 25, 03:34 AM GMT


80,000 - 120,000 HKD

Lot Details


Property from the Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection

A small painted pottery double neck jar 

Majiayao culture, Banshan phase, c. 2600-2300 B.C.

Ronald W. Longsdorf 收藏

馬家窰文化 半山類型 彩陶雙頸壺

h. 18 cm

The dating of this lot is consistent with the results of Oxford Authentication Ltd, thermoluminescence test C113a94.


Ronald W. Longsdorf, The Pottery Age: An Appreciation of Neolithic Ceramics from China, Circa 7000 BC - Circa 1000 BC, Hong Kong, 2020, pl. 20.

Ronald W. Longsdorf, 《陶誌:中國新石器時代陶器 約西元前7000年 – 前1000年》,香港,2020年,圖版20