Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art

15 December 202212:00 CET


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Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art

Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art

Himalayas: The Richard R. & Magdalena Ernst Collection of Important Tibetan Paintings and other Himalayan Works of Art

51 results sorted by Lot number (low to high)

51 results sorted by

Lot number (low to high)

A thangka depicting Boudhanath, Nepal, circa 1900 | 尼泊爾 約1900年 博拿佛塔唐卡 設色布本

1. A thangka depicting Boudhanath, Nepal, circa 1900 | 尼泊爾 約1900年 博拿佛塔唐卡 設色布本

A thangka depicting the Luohan Nagasena, Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 佛教大師那先唐卡 設色布本

2. A thangka depicting the Luohan Nagasena, Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 佛教大師那先唐卡 設色布本

A fine thangka depicting Takla Membar, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 達拉梅巴唐卡 設色布本

3. A fine thangka depicting Takla Membar, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 達拉梅巴唐卡 設色布本

A thangka depicting Nangsa Wöbum as Sitatara, Tibet, circa 19th century | 西藏 約十九世紀 白度母唐卡 設色布本

4. A thangka depicting Nangsa Wöbum as Sitatara, Tibet, circa 19th century | 西藏 約十九世紀 白度母唐卡 設色布本

A rare thangka depicting Gayadhara and Drokmi, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 嘎雅達拉及卓彌大譯師釋迦智唐卡 設色布本

5. A rare thangka depicting Gayadhara and Drokmi, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 嘎雅達拉及卓彌大譯師釋迦智唐卡 設色布本

A rare thangka depicting Buddha Shakyamuni with arhats, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 釋迦牟尼佛及羅漢唐卡 設色布本

6. A rare thangka depicting Buddha Shakyamuni with arhats, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 釋迦牟尼佛及羅漢唐卡 設色布本

A rare and important thangka depicting Ekavira Vajrabhairava, Tibet, circa 1600 | 西藏 約1600年 獨雄大威德金剛唐卡 設色布本

7. A rare and important thangka depicting Ekavira Vajrabhairava, Tibet, circa 1600 | 西藏 約1600年 獨雄大威德金剛唐卡 設色布本

A rare thangka depicting red Tara, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 紅度母唐卡 設色布本

8. A rare thangka depicting red Tara, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 紅度母唐卡 設色布本

A thangka depicting Vajradhara, Bhutan or South Tibet, 17th/18th century | 不丹或西藏南部 十七至十八世紀 金剛總持唐卡 設色布本

9. A thangka depicting Vajradhara, Bhutan or South Tibet, 17th/18th century | 不丹或西藏南部 十七至十八世紀 金剛總持唐卡 設色布本

A thangka depicting Zangpo Bumtri, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 桑波奔赤唐卡 設色布本

10. A thangka depicting Zangpo Bumtri, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 桑波奔赤唐卡 設色布本

A thangka depicting Sherap Chamma, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 希繞強瑪唐卡 設色布本

11. A thangka depicting Sherap Chamma, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 希繞強瑪唐卡 設色布本

A rare thangka depicting Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Tibet, 16th/17th century | 西藏 十六至十七世紀 四薩迦派喇嘛唐卡 設色布本

12. A rare thangka depicting Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Tibet, 16th/17th century | 西藏 十六至十七世紀 四薩迦派喇嘛唐卡 設色布本

A rare and important thangka depicting episodes from the life of Ngorpa Rinchen Gyaltsen, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 薩迦哦派仁欽堅贊生平畫傳唐卡 設色布本

13. A rare and important thangka depicting episodes from the life of Ngorpa Rinchen Gyaltsen, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 薩迦哦派仁欽堅贊生平畫傳唐卡 設色布本

A rare silk thangka depicting an assembly of emblems, Tibet, circa 18th century | 西藏 約十八世紀 法器唐卡 絹本設色

14. A rare silk thangka depicting an assembly of emblems, Tibet, circa 18th century | 西藏 約十八世紀 法器唐卡 絹本設色

A thangka depicting Nampar Gyalwa, Tibet, 17th/18th century | 西藏 十七至十八世紀 南巴嘉瓦唐卡 設色布本

15. A thangka depicting Nampar Gyalwa, Tibet, 17th/18th century | 西藏 十七至十八世紀 南巴嘉瓦唐卡 設色布本

An important thangka depicting Shenlha Wökar, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 辛拉哦噶唐卡 設色布本

16. An important thangka depicting Shenlha Wökar, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 辛拉哦噶唐卡 設色布本

A rare thangka depicting Kuntu Zangpo, Tibet, circa 15th century | 西藏 約十五世紀 普賢王如來唐卡 設色布本

17. A rare thangka depicting Kuntu Zangpo, Tibet, circa 15th century | 西藏 約十五世紀 普賢王如來唐卡 設色布本

A rare early thangka depicting Amitabha in Sukhavati, Tibet, circa 1500 | 西藏 約1500年 極樂淨土阿彌陀佛唐卡 設色布本

18. A rare early thangka depicting Amitabha in Sukhavati, Tibet, circa 1500 | 西藏 約1500年 極樂淨土阿彌陀佛唐卡 設色布本

A rare and important thangka depicting Ekavira Vajrabhairava, Tibet, 15th century | 西藏 十五世紀 獨雄大威德金剛唐卡 設色布本

19. A rare and important thangka depicting Ekavira Vajrabhairava, Tibet, 15th century | 西藏 十五世紀 獨雄大威德金剛唐卡 設色布本

A thangka depicting Trowo Tsochog Kagying, Tibet, circa 16th century | 西藏 約十六世紀 措秋卡央唐卡 設色布本

20. A thangka depicting Trowo Tsochog Kagying, Tibet, circa 16th century | 西藏 約十六世紀 措秋卡央唐卡 設色布本

A rare thangka depicting Maitreya with Avalokiteshvara & Vajrapani in Tushita heaven, Tibet, 17th/18th century | 西藏 十七至十八世紀 彌勒佛唐卡 設色布本

21. A rare thangka depicting Maitreya with Avalokiteshvara & Vajrapani in Tushita heaven, Tibet, 17th/18th century | 西藏 十七至十八世紀 彌勒佛唐卡 設色布本

A rare and important thangka depicting Guhyasamaja, Tibet, 15th century | 西藏 十五世紀 密集金剛唐卡 設色布本

22. A rare and important thangka depicting Guhyasamaja, Tibet, 15th century | 西藏 十五世紀 密集金剛唐卡 設色布本

A finely drawn thangka depicting Bhaishajyaguru, West Tibet, 15th century | 西藏西 十五世紀 藥師佛唐卡 設色布本

23. A finely drawn thangka depicting Bhaishajyaguru, West Tibet, 15th century | 西藏西 十五世紀 藥師佛唐卡 設色布本

A thangka depicting a Nyingma protector deity, Tibet, 19th century | 西藏 十九世紀 寧瑪派護法唐卡 設色布本

24. A thangka depicting a Nyingma protector deity, Tibet, 19th century | 西藏 十九世紀 寧瑪派護法唐卡 設色布本

A thangka depicting Drala Tatug Karpo, Inner Mongolia, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 內蒙古 清十八世紀 威勝天王唐卡 設色布本

25. A thangka depicting Drala Tatug Karpo, Inner Mongolia, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 內蒙古 清十八世紀 威勝天王唐卡 設色布本

A thangka depicting Chime Tsugpu, Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 晉美祖普唐卡 設色布本

26. A thangka depicting Chime Tsugpu, Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 晉美祖普唐卡 設色布本

A thangka depicting Jataka tale, Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 佛本生故事唐卡 設色布本

27. A thangka depicting Jataka tale, Tibet, 17th century | 西藏 十七世紀 佛本生故事唐卡 設色布本

A rare thangka depicting Kunzang Gyalwa Dupa, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 貢桑嘉瓦堆巴唐卡 設色布本

28. A rare thangka depicting Kunzang Gyalwa Dupa, Tibet, 18th century | 西藏 十八世紀 貢桑嘉瓦堆巴唐卡 設色布本

A rare thangka depicting Mahasiddha Damarupa and Avadhutipa, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 大成就者札瑪如巴及阿瓦度帝巴唐卡 設色布本

29. A rare thangka depicting Mahasiddha Damarupa and Avadhutipa, Tibet, 16th century | 西藏 十六世紀 大成就者札瑪如巴及阿瓦度帝巴唐卡 設色布本

A gilt-copper alloy figure of Avalokiteshvara, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅合金十一面觀世音菩薩立像

30. A gilt-copper alloy figure of Avalokiteshvara, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅合金十一面觀世音菩薩立像

A large gilt-bronze standing figure of Maitreya, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅彌勒佛立像

31. A large gilt-bronze standing figure of Maitreya, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 鎏金銅彌勒佛立像

A gilt-bronze figure of Vajrabhairava and Vajravetali, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 銅鎏金大威德金剛與白達里空行母雙修像

32. A gilt-bronze figure of Vajrabhairava and Vajravetali, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 銅鎏金大威德金剛與白達里空行母雙修像

A rare gilt-copper figure of Prajnaparamita, Nepal, 16th century | 尼泊爾 十六世紀 銅鎏金般若佛母坐像

33. A rare gilt-copper figure of Prajnaparamita, Nepal, 16th century | 尼泊爾 十六世紀 銅鎏金般若佛母坐像

A finely cast gilt-bronze figure of Shakyamuni Buddha, Tibet, 14th century | 西藏 十四世紀 鎏金銅釋迦牟尼佛坐像

34. A finely cast gilt-bronze figure of Shakyamuni Buddha, Tibet, 14th century | 西藏 十四世紀 鎏金銅釋迦牟尼佛坐像

A rare Zanabazar school gilt-bronze figure of Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, Mongolia, 18th century | 蒙古 十八世紀  扎那巴扎爾風格 鎏金銅藥師佛坐像

35. A rare Zanabazar school gilt-bronze figure of Bhaisajyaguru Buddha, Mongolia, 18th century | 蒙古 十八世紀 扎那巴扎爾風格 鎏金銅藥師佛坐像

A gilt-copper alloy head of a tantric figure, Tibet or Mongolia, circa 18th century | 西藏或蒙古 約十八世紀 鎏金銅合金首像

36. A gilt-copper alloy head of a tantric figure, Tibet or Mongolia, circa 18th century | 西藏或蒙古 約十八世紀 鎏金銅合金首像

A pair of gilt-copper deer figures, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金鹿像一對

37. A pair of gilt-copper deer figures, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金鹿像一對

A rare gilt-bronze standing figure of Udayana Buddha, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金優塡王佛立像

38. A rare gilt-bronze standing figure of Udayana Buddha, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 銅鎏金優塡王佛立像

A large silver and copper inlaid bronze figure of Amitabha Buddha, Tibet, 14th century | 西藏 十四世紀 銅錯紅銅嵌銀阿彌陀佛坐像

39. A large silver and copper inlaid bronze figure of Amitabha Buddha, Tibet, 14th century | 西藏 十四世紀 銅錯紅銅嵌銀阿彌陀佛坐像

A study collection of thirty ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 9th/14th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 九至十四世紀 托查一組三十件

40. A study collection of thirty ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 9th/14th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 九至十四世紀 托查一組三十件

A study collection of twenty-eight ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 9th/14th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 九至十四世紀 托查一組二十八件

41. A study collection of twenty-eight ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 9th/14th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 九至十四世紀 托查一組二十八件

A study collection of twenty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 10th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十至十四世紀 托查一組二十七件

42. A study collection of twenty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 10th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十至十四世紀 托查一組二十七件

A study collection of twenty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組二十七件

43. A study collection of twenty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組二十七件

A study collection of thirty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 8th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 八至十四世紀 托查一組三十七件

44. A study collection of thirty-seven ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 8th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 八至十四世紀 托查一組三十七件

A study collection of thirty-four ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 10th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十至十四世紀 托查一組三十四件

45. A study collection of thirty-four ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 10th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十至十四世紀 托查一組三十四件

A study collection of forty ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 11th/17th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 十一至十七世紀 托查一組四十件

46. A study collection of forty ornaments, Thokcha, Himalayan regions, Central Asia and China, 11th/17th century | 喜馬拉雅地區,中亞,中國 十一至十七世紀 托查一組四十件

A study collection of twenty-six ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組二十六件

47. A study collection of twenty-six ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組二十六件

A study collection of thirty ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組三十件

48. A study collection of thirty ornaments, Thokcha, Tibet and other Himalayan regions, 11th/14th century | 西藏及喜馬拉雅其他地區 十一至十四世紀 托查一組三十件