21 March 2023•09:00 EDT
•New York
23 results sorted by
Lot number (low to high)
1. A fine Ru-type washer, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 仿汝釉洗 《大清乾隆年製》款
2. A teadust-glazed pear-shaped vase, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 茶葉末釉長頸瓶 《大清乾隆年製》款
3. A fine and extremely rare flambé-glazed Jun-type jar, Seal mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 窰變釉梅花紋罐 《雍正年製》款
4. A fine molded celadon-glazed 'floral' bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 粉青釉浮雕纏枝花卉紋盌 《大清雍正年製》款
5. A fine and rare clair-de-lune-glazed apple-shaped jar, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 天藍釉蘋果尊 《大清康熙年製》款
6. A fine and extremely rare archaistic white-glazed soft-paste vase, Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 白釉弦紋四繫尊 《大清乾隆年製》款
7. A fine yellow-glazed bowl, Mark and period of Zhengde | 明正德 黃釉盌 《大明正德年製》款
8. A fine yellow-glazed dish, Mark and period of Jiajing | 明嘉靖 黃釉盤 《大明嘉靖年製》款
9. An exceptionally rare and important sacrificial-red-glazed bowl, Mark and period of Xuande | 明宣德 祭紅釉盌 《大明宣德年製》款
10. A pair of fine lavender-glazed bowls, Marks and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 天藍釉盌一對 《大清雍正年製》款
11. An extremely rare and large sacrificial-blue-glazed garlic-mouth vase, Seal mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 祭藍釉大蒜頭瓶 《雍正年製》款
12. A fine and rare yellow-glazed bowl, Mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 黃釉盌 《大清雍正年製》款
13. A robin's egg-glazed censer, Seal mark and period of Yongzheng | 清雍正 爐鈞釉雙耳爐 《大清雍正年製》款
14. A fine peachbloom-glazed brush washer, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 豇豆紅釉鏜鑼洗 《大清康熙年製》款
15. A copper-red-glazed pear-shaped vase (Yuhuchunping), Seal mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 紅釉玉壺春瓶 《大清乾隆年製》款
16. A crisply molded 'Ding' 'mandarin ducks' dish, Northern Song / Jin dynasty | 北宋 / 金 定窰白釉印花荷塘鴛鴦圖盤
17. A small 'Ding' truncated meiping, Northern Song dynasty | 北宋 定窰白釉小口瓶
18. A blue-glazed cup, Qing dynasty, 18th century | 清十八世紀 藍釉盃 《敬畏堂製》款
19. A pair of rare anhua-decorated doucai conical bowls, Qing dynasty, Kangxi / Yongzheng period | 清康熙 / 雍正 鬥彩米芾拜石圖暗花笠式盌一對
20. A celadon-glazed ovoid jar, Seal mark and period of Daoguang | 清道光 粉青釉月牙耳罐 《大清道光年製》款
21. A molded Qingbai 'phoenix' bowl, Southern Song / Yuan dynasty | 南宋 / 元 青白釉印花鳳凰紋盌
22. An extremely rare green-glazed zhadou, Liao dynasty | 遼 綠釉渣斗
23. A small and rare red glass zhadou, Mark and period of Qianlong | 清乾隆 透明紅料小渣斗 《乾隆年製》款