15 March 2023•12:00 EDT
•New York
311 results sorted by
Lot number (low to high)
301. Lynne Drexler
302. Andy Warhol
303. Lynne Drexler
Twilighted Sea
305. Alex Katz
East Madison #3
306. Heidi Hahn
The Body is Not Essential
307. Romare Bearden
The Lantern
308. Lynne Drexler
Sun Kissed
309. Tom Wesselmann
Study for Great American Nude #72
310. Eva Beresin
Once the genie is summoned, you can't put it back in the bottle
311. Robert Colescott
312. Tom Wesselmann
Monica Sitting in Hat and Beads (Color Variation No. 3)
313. Sigmar Polke
Tisch mit umgekippter Kanne II
314. Andy Warhol
Mick Jagger
315. Salman Toor
316. Hugh Steers
Bowl and Mules
317. Felipe Baeza
La Luz En Lo Obscura
318. Omar Ba
Mental Prison 2
319. Aboudia
320. George Condo
321. Karel Appel
Big head in the fallen city
323. Jean Dubuffet
324. Giuseppe Penone
Azzerare il solco prodotto dai piedi dell’uomo (To Reset the Furrow Produced by Man's Feet) and Il paesaggio prodotto dal tempo dell’uomo (Landscape Produced by Man's Time) [Two Works]
325. Arnaldo Pomodoro
326. Raimund Girke
Berlin (auf schwarz)
327. Danh Vo
We the People (Detail)
328. Brent Wadden
No. 6 (Donkin)
329. George Rickey
Etoile VI
330. Alfred Jensen
Even + Odd
331. Richard Anuszkiewicz
Temple of the Twilight Reds
332. Julian Stanczak
333. Sydney Ball
Chromix Lumina #4
334. Ken Price
Study for a Cup
335. Omar Rayo
336. George Rickey
Nine Rotors with Tourmaline
337. Louise Nevelson
338. Trudy Benson
Red Select
339. Norman Bluhm
Golden Yoke
340. Willem de Kooning
The Man and the Big Blonde
341. Emily Mason
Dried Apples and Green Tea
342. Korakrit Arunanondchai
Untitled (History Painting)
343. Larry Poons
Imperial Abstract
344. Joyce Pensato
Joyce’s Sundays
345. Eugène Leroy
Fille à la poupée - Figures
346. Hunt Slonem
347. Aboudia
Untitled [Three Works]
348. Ana Benaroya
When I Look Into Your Eyes I See Forever
349. Gladys Nilsson
350. Canyon Castator
In Bloom