8 December 2022•10:30 GMT
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213 results sorted by
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101. A painted pottery jar, Neolithic period, Yangshao culture | 仰韶文化 彩陶罐
102. A painted pottery 'cocoon' jar, Han dynasty | 漢 彩繪繭形陶壺
103. A large painted pottery jar, Neolithic period, Majiayao culture, Machang phase, circa 2200-2000 BC | 馬家窰文化 馬廠類型 彩陶大罐
104. A pair of late George III carved giltwood mirrors, late 18th century
105. A pair of George III style giltwood and gilt-gesso demi-lune pier tables, incorporating 18th century elements
106. A pair of Louis XVI carved giltwood marquises by Claude II Sené, circa 1780
107. An English cut-glass chandelier, 20th century
108. A pair of Louis XVI gilt and patinated bronze four-light candelabra, circa 1780
109. A large painted pottery jar, Neolithic period, Majiayao Culture, Machang phrase, circa 2200-2000 BC | 馬家窰文化 馬廠類型 彩陶大罐
110. A large impressed-design grey pottery jar, Warring States period | 戰國 印纹陶罐
111. A large painted pottery jar, Neolithic period, Majiayao culture, Machang phase, circa 2200-2000 BC | 馬家窰文化 馬廠類型 彩繪陶罐
112. A tortoise-form pottery inkstone and cover, Eastern Han dynasty/Six Dynasties | 東漢/六朝 龜形陶硯
113. A painted grey pottery duck, Han Dynasty | 漢 彩繪陶鴨
114. An Iznik polychrome pottery dish, Turkey, Ottoman, second half of 16th century
115. An Iznik polychrome pottery dish, Turkey, Ottoman, 17th century
116. Johann Martin Metz
Still life with roses, honeysuckle, passion flower, daffodils and other flowers in a glass vase on a ledge
117. Circle of George Chinnery
Figures playing cards
118. A famille-verte rouleau vase, Qing dynasty, Kangxi period | 清康熙 五彩群仙祝壽圖棒槌瓶
119. A blue and white 'figural' vase, Yuhuchunping, Yuan dynasty | 元 青花人物故事圖玉壺春瓶
120. A pair of hongmu and burrwood drum stools, Qing dynasty | 清 紅木嵌癭木面坐墩一對
121. A huanghuali Kang table, 17th/18th century | 明末 黃花梨束腰炕桌
122. A pair of George III carved mahogany armchairs, circa 1760
123. A pair of George II carved walnut library armchairs, mid-18th century
124. A pair of George III carved mahogany torchères, circa 1760
125. A pair of Ming-style blue and white bottle vases, Marks and period of Guangxu | 清光緒 青花纏枝蓮紋賞瓶一對 《大清光緒年製》款
126. A pair of blue and white dishes, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 青花花卉紋盤一對 《花竹安樂之齋》款
127. A blue and white 'dragon' dish, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 青花雲龍紋盤 《大清康熙年製》款
128. A blue and white bowl, Mark and period of Kangxi | 清康熙 青花人物故事圖盌 《大清康熙年製》款
129. A celadon-glazed cong-form vase, Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 粉青釉琮式瓶
130. A George II carved mahogany tripod table
131. A small painted pottery jar, Neolithic period, Majiayao culture, Banshan phase c. 1500 B.C. | 馬家窰文化 半山類型 彩陶小罐
132. An Agra Carpet, North India
133. A Lavar Kirman carpet, Southeast Persia
134. A pair of George II carved mahogany and parcel-gilt library armchairs, mid-18th century, attributed to Paul Saunders
135. A pair of famille-noir square-form vases Qing dynasty, 19th century | 清十九世紀 墨地素三彩花鳥紋方瓶一對
136. A George II carved mahogany 'Gothick' style armchair, mid-18th century
137. A George III carved mahogany kettle stand, circa 1760
138. A George III mahogany library armchair, circa 1760
139. A pair of George III giltwood and marquetry demi-lune pier tables, circa 1775, in the manner of William Moore of Dublin
140. Wu Changshuo, Chrysanthemum and orchid, 1904 | 吳昌碩 《菊花菖蒲》 設色紙本 1904年作 立軸
141. Qi Baishi Basket of Lychee, circa 1940 | 齊白石 《荔枝》 設色紙本 扇面 鏡框
142. A small jade cong, Possibly Neolithic period/Shang dynasty | 或新石器時代/商 玉琮
143. A jade ring pendant, Possibly Neolithic period, circa 2000 BC | 或為新石器時代 玉環
144. A quartz slit ring, jue Neolithic period, South-East China, c. 3500 - 2500 B.C. | 新石器時代 石英玦
145. A stone 'stepped' axe, Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture | 新石器時代良渚文化 石斧
146. A jade pendant, huang Neolithic period, circa 2500 BC | 新石器時代 約公元前2500年 玉璜
147. A white jade ring, Possibly Neolithic period, circa 3500-3000 BC | 或為新石器時代 約公元前3500至3000年 白玉珠
148. A jade bracelet, Neolithic period or Shang dynasty | 新石器時期或商 玉環