Chinese Paintings and calligraphies from the Yee-Ming Kuo Collection, Lot 2536-2575 | 郭彞民珍藏中國古代書畫,拍品編號2536-2575
Auction Closed
October 9, 03:18 PM GMT
500,000 - 800,000 HKD
Lot Details
Chinese Paintings and calligraphies from the Yee-Ming Kuo Collection, Lot 2536-2575
Qi Zhijia (17th century)
Li Bai’s Poems in Running Script
ink on paper, handscroll
signed Qi Zhijia and with two seals of the artist
Titleslip by Uzan Nagao (1864-1942) on the custom-made brocade cover and with one seal of his; and by Wang Xun (20th century)
Colophons by Wu Changshuo(1844-1927), dated renzi(1912) and with two seals of his; and by Uzan Nagao, dated zimao(1915) and with two seals of his
With five collector’s seals of Teijiro Yamamoto(1870-1937) on its brocade cover
29 x 836 cm. 11 3/8 x 329 1/8 in.
祁豸佳 (十七世紀)
水墨紙本 手卷
釋文:(行草李白詩《梁園吟》及《襄陽歌》,文略不錄。) 錄太白句。祁豸佳書於招隱堂。鈐印:祁豸佳印、九品蓮臺主者
題簽:(長尾甲書於錦套) 祁止祥草書妙跡。長尾甲署。鈐印:雨山
(汪洵) 祁止祥先生書太白詩長卷。汪洵題。
(吳昌碩) 山陰祁止祥錄太白詩行書卷,祁氏一門以忠節著,止老明亡後隱於梅市。予前見其寫山水惜墨如金,絕不摹仿古人,而有宋元名大家氣息。其書亦風趣獨到,掉臂遊行,書畫本相通,未有書不高而能畫者也!況忠義之氣集於毫端耶?焚香靜觀為之心折。壬子(1912)小雪節,吳昌碩時年六十九。鈐印:俊卿大利、昌碩
鑑藏印:(山本悌二郎鈐於錦套) 二峰平生心賞、二峰清賞、香雪書屋書畫金石、古道照顏色、香雪書屋書畫印
Teijiro Yamamoto ed., Catalogue of Painting and Calligraphy from the Collection of Cheng Huai Tang, Tokyo: Bunkyudo Shoten, 1932, vol. 5, pp. 61-62
T. T. Kwo Collection of Chinese Paintings and Calligraphies, Picker Art Gallery, Colgate University, New York, 3-21 March, 1975, No. 13