René Magritte Through the Eyes of Surrealism

New York | 14 November

Featuring one of Magritte’s most iconic images and a quintessential Surrealist portrait, Magritte’s Shéhérazade (1947) stands as an integral work amid the lineage of art history. Shéhérazade is one of only three oils by the same name. The present composition is the final and most focused of Magritte’s Shéhérazade. With his ‘pearl-woman’ at the fore, the present composition asserts itself as the quintessential Surrealist portrait, replete with literary allusion, art historical homage and the Surrealist pièce de resistance of the fragmented figure.

Shéhérazade and other works will be offered at Sotheby’s Modern Evening Auction on 14 November in New York.

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