The Extraordinary Love of Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes

9 - 21 JULY | ONLINE

In this episode of A Life Less Ordinary, Frieda Hughes invites us into her home to discuss the letters, love and lasting legacy of her parents - literary giants Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes. Frieda gives us an intimate look at the letters Plath wrote to Hughes shortly after their marriage while Plath was studying at Cambridge, as well as a foray into the family photo album. Among these historically important items we are also given a glimpse of Ted and Sylvia’s wedding rings, family recipes and Sylvia’s beloved Tarot deck. These items and many more will be offered in our upcoming sale, Your Own Sylvia: Sylvia Plath’s letters to Ted Hughes and other items, property of Frieda Hughes, open for bidding online from 9 - 21 July.

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