The Piprahwa Gems of the Historical Buddha

The Piprahwa Gems of the Historical Buddha

The Piprahwa Gems of the Historical Buddha

The Piprahwa Gems of the Historical Buddha

7 May - 7 May 2025 • Hong Kong

Your local time • 02:00 AM GMT

The Piprahwa Gems of the Historical Buddha, Mauryan Empire, Ashokan era, circa 240-200 BC | 印度孔雀王朝阿育王時期公元前約240-200年 比普羅瓦釋迦牟尼佛寶聖物

1 The Piprahwa Gems of the Historical Buddha, Mauryan Empire, Ashokan era, circa 240-200 BC | 印度孔雀王朝阿育王時期公元前約240-200年 比普羅瓦釋迦牟尼佛寶聖物