Expert Voices: Emma Baker on Magritte – La Leçon de Musique

Paris | 15 March 2023

Does poetic vision define Surrealism?

Sotheby’s unpacks the visual language of ‘La Leçon de musique’ by René Magritte, a decisive and captivating example of one of the central themes of his work: the juxtaposition of objects that defy logic.

The fragmentation of the human body is a theme that belongs to the very essence of Surrealism.

René Magritte’s ‘La Leçon de musique’ offers a composition steeped in mystery and ambiguity, inserting familiar images into an enigmatic atmosphere. By combining an inanimate object with a human ear, Magritte subverts the traditional genre of the still life, challenging the viewer's expectations of a work of art and inviting new interpretations of everyday events.

“In ‘La Leçon de musique’, Magritte combines one of his most iconic images with exquisite execution, in a tribute to his all-time favorite artist Vermeer. Surrealist vision or timeless beauty, the mysteries of Magritte continue to fascinate us today.

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